Don't worry, you'll probably never have to do this... maybe.
1. It is time to take the examination and write your lesson plan
Download your examination HERE. Read the directions carefully. It is an open book test with no deadline, except that you must complete it within the one-year time limit of your course.
Take the examination: refer back to your materials as needed.
Your lesson plan is part of the examination and should be submitted at the same time.
The lesson plan has an assigned topic. Write a detailed lesson plan teaching intermediate level high school students the language they would need to ask and answer questions about their hobbies. Do not submit a lesson plan with a different topic. Submit ONLY the assigned topic.
Below are three example lesson plans. Review them before writing your first lesson plan. Use the same format.
You can download our lesson plan format HERE.
These example lesson plans are PDF files and will open in a new window.
These examples are all very good but each has a few flaws. Each is a real lesson plan submitted by a student who took this course and did very well.
Hobbies Lesson Plan – Example 1
Hobbies Lesson Plan – Example 2 – this is a more grammar oriented hobbies lesson
Hobbies Lesson Plan – Example 3
You will notice small errors in these lesson plans. They were written by students and are simply indications of their authenticity.
2. Submit your examination and lesson plan.
Note: BEFORE you submit your lesson plan project, please review it with this Ten-Point Lesson Plan Checklist to make sure you have covered everything that is important.
When you have completed your examination and lesson plan project AND checklist, send them to TEFLbootcamp@Gmail.com
It usually takes up to 3 business days to review your work and send you some feedback. If your work does not meet the required standards, we will tell you what the issue is, how to fix it and ask you to resubmit that part of your work. We will do everything we can to help you learn the material and succeed.
3. When you submit your work...
For students taking the 60-hour TEFL Fundamentals course only: Assuming your work is in good order, please also submit your name as you would like it on your certificate and the address to which you want it to to be mailed.
If you are taking an 80-, 120-, 140- or 160-hour course, return to your START page and follow the directions for what to do after you submit your examination and hobbies lesson plan.
For the 80-hour course: http://tefleducator.com/start-80/
For the 120-hour course: http://tefleducator.com/start-120/
For the 140-hour course: http://tefleducator.com/start-140/
For the 160-hour course: http://tefleducator.com/start-160/
The points below are only for the 60-hour TEFL Fundamentals course students.
4. If you have passed...
Your certificate will usually be printed within 3 business days from the day your review was completed and you were notified that you had passed your course. A scan of your certificate is usually sent to you the same day your certificate is printed. The hard copy is typically placed in the mail to you within a further seven business days.
5. Please note:
If your address is in a country where the postal service may be unreliable; China, Vietnam, South Africa or some western Asian countries including Saudi Arabia, for example, we recommend that you 1. double check the address to make sure it is 100% correct and includes the zip or postal code 2. give us the address in both English and the local language and 3. use a business address such as your school where you know mail is regularly delivered. We have also found that putting a local telephone number on the address can help.
We print and mail certificates free of charge to you via USA international air mail, but we do it only once. Further printing and mailing incurs additional fees. Another popular option is to mail your certificate(s) to family or friends in a country that does have reliable mail service and they can be delivered when you visit them or they visit you.
We leave this decision to you as you have more knowledge of the quality of your local postal services than we do.